
Luxus Segelboot Ausflug nach Catania-Syrakus

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01/04 zu01/06 - 01/07 zu31/07 - 01/08 zu31/08 - 01/09 zu31/10 - Jeden Tag

Mit Abfahrt von Catania

Pax Datum Preis
1 - 6 pax Von 01/04 zu 01/06 2150.00 €
1 - 6 pax Von 01/07 zu 31/07 2450.00 €
1 - 6 pax Von 01/08 zu 31/08 2750.00 €
1 - 6 pax Von 01/09 zu 31/10 2150.00 €

Der Preis beinhaltet

Sailboat rental; bed linen and towels; overnight stays; sup; tender; wing foil; snorkeling kit and diving equipment; fishing rods; satellite internet

Der Preis beinhaltet nicht

Gallery (meals); skipper; sailor

Enjoy this exclusive sailing adventure, departing from the Port of Catania at 6 PM
First day: Sailing to Brucoli and landing at Baia Arcile for the first unforgettable night aboard our fantastic boat. Night at anchor in Brucoli
Second day: Navigation and stops for swimming between Brucoli and Augusta. Possibility to go ashore to visit Ortigia. Night in landing at the municipal quay or in roadstead in Ortigia (SR)
Third day: Activities and swims in the Plemmirio Marine Park area.
In the evening return to Catania.
Possibility of lunch on board on request.
Empfohlene Ausrüstung

Any particular indication

Tourprogramm (3 tage e 2 nächte)

Andere Touren

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