Luxus-Segelurlaub in Sizilien -Äolischen Inseln-

Unvergessliche Reise zu den schönsten Inseln Siziliens

Immagine bandiera inghilterra Immagine bandiera italia Immagine bandiera spagna Immagine bandiera francia Immagine bandiera germania
01/04 zu01/06 - 01/07 zu31/07 - 01/08 zu31/08 - 01/09 zu31/10 - Jeden Tag
01/07 zu01/08 - 01/08 zu31/08 - 01/09 zu31/10 - 01/04 zu30/06 - jeden Tag
Departures from:
-Catania at 8:00 am
-Giardini Naxos/Taormina at 11:30 am
-Messina at 6:00 pm
The sailing cruise to the paradisiacal archipelago of the Aeolian Islands will allow you to experience seven days of sun, blue sea, to admire unforgettable stars and to dive into pristine bays. An important model for world volcanology, the seven volcanic islands were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in December 2000. 
Experience a different holiday, enjoy the sea breeze and let the waves of the sea lull you aboard the beautiful Sense 55.  Give yourself seven days immersed in an enchanting and unspoilt landscape and enrich your personal baggage. Just over 17 m of boat full of all comforts: three double cabins with en-suite bathroom, one deluxe owner and two superior; kitchen with refrigerator, freezer, oven, microwave and coffee machine.
You can admire sandy beaches, coves, caves and seabed with a thousand shades of blue during the bath breaks.
Possibility of lunch on board on request.
Empfohlene Ausrüstung

No particular advice

Pax Datum Preis
1 - 6 pax Von 01/04 zu 01/06 4950.00 €
1 - 6 pax Von 01/07 zu 31/07 5650.00 €
1 - 6 pax Von 01/08 zu 31/08 6000.00 €
1 - 6 pax Von 01/09 zu 31/10 4950.00 €

Pax Datum Preis
1 - 6 pax Von 01/07 zu 01/08 5650.00 €
1 - 6 pax Von 01/08 zu 31/08 6000.00 €
1 - 6 pax Von 01/09 zu 31/10 4950.00 €
1 - 6 pax Von 01/04 zu 30/06 4950.00 €

Der Preis beinhaltet

Sailboat rental; bed linen and towels; overnight stays; sup; tender; wing foil; snorkeling kit and diving equipment; fishing rods; satellite internet

Der Preis beinhaltet nicht

Gallery (meals); skipper; fuel

Tourprogramm (7 Tage und 6 Nächte)

Andere Touren

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