Trekking Cavagrande

Trekking Cavagrande

Immagine bandiera inghilterra Immagine bandiera italia Immagine bandiera spagna Immagine bandiera francia Immagine bandiera germania

After we met at our meeting place we will get in the car to head to the Reserve of Cavagrande.

During this trek we will follow one of the most evocative paths that this reserve offers. We will know and observe the naturalistic peculiarities of this impressive canyon, that presents a lush riparian vegetation and a system of small waterfalls and natural pools.

Walking inside a lush Mediterranean forest, we will reach the characteristic lakes with crystal clear waters in which we can take a swim.

Return to the initial meeting place.


Distance: 6 km.

Difficulty: medium/easy

Empfohlene Ausrüstung

Walking or sport shoes (no flip-flops); water; packed lunch; sunscreen; raincoat; beach towel and swimsuit (according to the season)


Naturtouren, geeignet für diejenigen, die in engem Kontakt mit der Umwelt sein wollen.

Datum Preis
Von 02/01 zu 31/12 75.00 € : 12+
65.00 € : 3-12 Jahre n.e.
20.00 € : 0-3 Jahre n.e.

Der Preis beinhaltet

transfer; guided trekking with nature guide; trekking poles

Der Preis beinhaltet nicht

Pick-up from the hotel; everything that is not included in "the price includes"

Tourprogramm (5 stunden)

  • 1


    Auf Piazza del Pantheon, 9.00 Uhr

  • 2


    Route nach der Cavagrande Reserve

  • 3


    Einfache Entdeckungstour auf dem Tal der Cava Grande

  • 4


    Die Tour endet am Treffpunkt

  • 4


    Die Tour endet am Treffpunkt

Andere Touren

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