Reiseroute des Naturschutzgebiets Vendicari

Wildtieroase Vendicari: Meer, Strände, Archäologie und Natur.

Immagine bandiera inghilterra Immagine bandiera italia Immagine bandiera spagna Immagine bandiera francia Immagine bandiera germania

The naturalistic oasi of Vendicari is a femous natural reserve well known for its incredible beauty and its unique dune ambient: over 250 species of birds live in its marshes. For this reason it is the perfect place for birdwatching lovers from all over the world. This area hosts also beautiful beahces and high historical level locations like the Tonnara and the Aragonese Tower. 

Departed from the pick up point, our guide will explain the climatic features of this moist ambient. We will watch birds with a powerful telescope made exclusively for birdwatching. Then we will continue on a easy path toward the beach, here the guide will explain the typical vegetation of the dunes. After that we will go on along the beach to reach the impressive Tonnara and the Aragonese Tower of XVI century, at this point our guide will explain some historical contents also about fishing and processing tuna. We will take a bath in the transparent waters of the reserve before returning to Syracuse

Empfohlene Ausrüstung

Walking or sport shoes (no flip-flops); water; packed lunch; sunscreen; beach towel and swimsuit (according to the season)


Naturtouren, geeignet für diejenigen, die in engem Kontakt mit der Umwelt sein wollen.

Datum Preis
Von 02/01 zu 31/12 75.00 € : 0+
65.00 € : 3-12 Jahre n.e.
20.00 € : 0-3 Jahre n.e.

Der Preis beinhaltet

Transfer from/to pick up point in Piazza del Pantheon; multilingual guide; use of trekking poles; use of birdwatching telescope; entrance fee

Der Preis beinhaltet nicht

Meals; transfer from/to accomodation; 

Tourprogramm (4 stunden)

  • 1


    Auf Piazza del Pantheon, 9.00 Uhr

  • 2

    Route nach der Naturreservat Vendicari

    Route nach der Naturreservat Vendicari

  • 3

    Bird watching

    Wir werden die Tierwelt mit speziellen Instrumenten beobachten

  • 4


    Einfache Route zur Entdeckung des Naturreservat Vendicari mit Besichtigung der Tonnara und des Aragoneser Turms

  • 5


    Die Tour endet am Treffpunkt

Andere Touren

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