Catania: degustación de vinos volcánicos sicilianos

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01/01 to 30/12 - Todos Miércoles / Viernes / Sábado / Domingo
In Piazza Scammacca, in the first metropolitan market of Catania, live the thematic route based on Sicilian volcanic wines.
Taste 4 glass of wines according to the theme chosen, each wine will be accompanied by a food matching specially designed, created in synergy by our sommelier and our chefs, each combo brings the style of single-issue formats of Piazza Scammacca.
Wednesday and Friday, Saturday and Sunday - Sicilian Volcanic Wines - The eruptive activity of the volcanoes has set soils with completely original and peculiar characteristics. In fact the rocks born from eruptions have different origins and compositions, leading to the production of amazing wines, each with a different story to tell.



Equipo recomendado

Any particular indication

Saliendo de Catania

Fecha Precio
Desde 01/01 al 30/12 45.00 € : 18+

El Precio incluye

Tasting of 4 glasses of wines and matching foods

El Precio no incluye

Anything that is not expressly stated or "the price includes"

Itinerario de viaje (1,5 h)

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    Únase a nosotros en Piazza Scammacca, 9

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    Degustación de vinos

    Vive una ruta temática para descubrir los vinos volcánicos sicilianos

  • 3

    Ruta enogastronómica

    Los 4 vinos en degustación irán acompañados de comidas especialmente estudiadas para una experiencia única

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