Fly fishing experience

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De Catania: 15/02 à 15/10 - Tous les jours
De Taormina: 15/02 à 15/10 - Tous les jours
Time to learn this fascinating fishing technique, guided by a professional fishing guide (association within unique landscape contexts, made of high-altitude streams, waterfalls, backwoods and forests.
Immerse yourself in the wildest Sicily to discover the wild rainbow trout that has inhabited these places naturally for almost 150 years.
This excursion is suitable for all, experts and beginners, even those who approach for the first time out of curiosity.
Note: please inform us of your size for the boots


Equipement recommandé

Comfortable clothing, suitable for the season; Spare towel and clothing

Au départ de Catania

Pax Date Prix
3 pax De 15/02 à 15/10 540.00 €
1 pax De 15/02 à 15/10 180.00 €
2 pax De 15/02 à 15/10 360.00 €

Au départ de Taormina

Date Prix
De 15/02 à 15/10 0.00 € : 0+

Le prix comprend

Transfer; Fishing stuff; Waders; Fishing insurance


Le prix ne comprend pas

Fishing license: cost € 23.00 valid in Italy for one year (mandatory, to be paid to tha guide); Packed lunch

Programme du tour (9 hours)

  • 1


    from Catania or Taormina

  • 2

    Discovering the Rainbow Trout

    Immerse yourself in the wildest Sicily and learn more about the fly fishing technique

  • 3


    The tour will end at the initial meeting place

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