Syracuse bike tour

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Our tour starts from Porta Marina in Ortigia (Syracuse) where we will take the bikes. After the bike's setting we will go toward Piazza Duomo to admire the Syracuse's Cathedral. Our second stop will be the Aretusa fountain and then the Maniace Castle. After leaving the massive castle of Federician era we will go alongside the eastern promenade to see the ancient walls of Spanish era. Then we will leave the Aretusean Isle through the Umbertinian Bridge and we will reach, almost completely on bike path, the old Tonnara of Saint Panagia, an old site of tuna fishing and processing active until 1970. During the tour we will make a short stop at the Basilica of Santa Lucia to see, for those who wish, the "Burial of Saint Lucia", a famous painting made by Caravaggio. After that, returning to the starting point, we will make a short stop to see the Artemide fountain in Piazza Archimede, ending the tour in Ortigia's market. 


**The tour is guaranteed with minimum 4 participants**

Equipement recommandé

Water; sport shoes (no flip-flops); packed lunch; clothes according to the season


Visite pour ceux qui veulent découvrir les beautés historiques et culturelles de notre terre.


Visite pour ceux qui veulent découvrir les beautés culturelles et naturelles à vélo.

Au départ de Siracusa

Date Prix
De 01/01 à 31/12 80.00 € : 12+

Le prix comprend

bike-touristic guide, assisted pedaling bike rental, bike's regulation

Le prix ne comprend pas

pasti, pick-up da struttura ricettiva

Programme du tour (3 hours)

  • 1


    Près de Porta marina in Ortigia 9h30

  • 2


    La piste cyclable serpente entre les principaux bâtiments historiques et monuments que nous rencontrerons le long du chemin.

  • 3


    La visite se terminera au marché d’Ortigia

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